My family and I went to Disneyland this past weekend. It was so nice to get out of the heat (AND we were able to come home to amazing weather! Even better!). We left Wednesday afternoon and got home last night. I was a bit of a camera-yielding monster, and by the end of the weekend, my brother was actually hiding when I pulled the camera out.
The Night Circus
12 years ago
Disneyland looks goregous katie! All the pictures you took look amazing :) I love your hair! Its getting so long! :) I'm so happy you enjoyed yourself and had a good time <333 xoxox
Look how beautiful you are in that picture!!! I'm glad you had fun :) And thanks for sending the link to your new blog.
i love love LOVE your ferris wheel picture! its fantastic. and you look absolutely beautiful in that picture with your brother :)
Katie- I was speechless when I read your comment. It has beeen a very long time since I have seen you or even heard from you! I hope all is well. David and I were sitting here talking about how encouraging your comment was to us. It inspires us to shine our light through our marriage and we are honored that you read our blogs and stay updated with all of our ups and downs of life. I of course can't take all the credit. My husband is one amazing man of God and of course the Lord brought us together! We are so thankful for his blessings! Continue to trust Him Katie and he will bring you the desires of your heart. As long as you want His perfect plan (because of course it is more amazing that we could ever think of) He will surely bless your faithfulness! let me know how I can be praying for you and if you ever want to talk or have any questions... I am a stay at home mom... which means I am ALWAYS on the internet ;)
Have a blessed evening!
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