Monday, November 3, 2008

First Grade Politics

Today while I was at the elementary school, I had the funniest conversation with a group of 5 kids. Keep in mind, while you read it, that the kids are 6 & 7 years old. :)

Zoe: Are you going to be here tomorrow?

Me: No. Well, I'll be here, but not in your classroom.

Isabel: Why not in our classroom?

Me: Because this is where I'm voting tomorrow.

Jack: Voting for what?

Me: The president.

Zoe: (gasp) The president is going to be here?!?!

Me: No, tomorrow we're voting for a new president.

Jack: I'm voting for Barack Obama.

Isabel: I'm voting for whoever Katie is voting for.

Jack: Who are you voting for?

Me: I'm not sure yet {Which is a lie, but you can't impress those things on the kids}

Savannah: I'm voting for John McCain.

Zoe: Me too!!

Jack: I'm voting for Barack Obama.

Isabel: I'm voting for Katie!

Me: I don't think I'd make a very good president.

Zoe: (Stands up and puts her hands on my shoulders.) Yes you would, Katie. If you believe in yourself, you can do anything.

Me: Ah, wise words from Zoe R.

Jack: I want George Washington to be president again.

Me: Ahh, sorry Jack, but he died a LONG time ago.

Jack: He did?

Me: Yep, sorry

Isabel: When did Bach die?

Me: Also a very long time ago.

Zoe: Who's Bach?

Me: A very good musician.

Jack: Barack Obama?

They're the best :]